Jun 26, 2010

About my blogging

I mede my blog for Writting Ⅲ last year. My blog's name is "BOUQUET de ROSES ROUGES". It is French and means "a bunch of red roses" in English. I like roses, so I named it so. I post book reviews, typing homeworks and diary on my blog. We have to post them over 10000 words in 1st semester. Recently, I have a little time to post because I have a part-time job and a lot of assignments. It is hard for me to post in English, but I'll do my best! Please read my blog.

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Jun 25, 2010

BR1-14: Androcles and the Lion

I read a book, “Androcles and the Lion”.

A long time ago, there was a poor man whose name is Androcles. He was so kind. At rich man’s house he worked hard. The rich man is Brutus. Androcles was like a slavery of Brutus. Brutus never paid Androcles, but gave him one piece of dry bread a day. One night, Androcles ran away and went into the forest. He was afraid, because it was dark and spooky in the forest. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise from behind a bush. When he looked behind the bush, there was an enormous lion, Leo. He was surprised at it and ran. The lion, however, didn’t run after him. There was a thorn in its paw. Androcles pulled out the thorn. From then, they were best friends. They lives together. One morning, Androcles saw a soldier. The soldier looked for Androcles. Androcles was found and taken to Rome. Androcles didn’t know a reason why he was taken to Rome. They arrived at a big round building. It’s the arena. Androcles was locked in a prison with a man whose name is Marco. Marco told Androcles that they had to fight the lions in front of spectators. They couldn’t sleep that night. The next afternoon Androcles was taken and stood in the middle of the arena. There were a lot of spectators there. The lion got closer him. The lion was Leo. They hugged each other. The crowd couldn’t believe it. The Emperor admired Androcles. The Emperor set Androcles, Marco and Leo free. They left Rome and started their own show.

Actually there were things such as this story in old Rome. I learned about it when I was a high school student. However I can’t believe it.

(294 words)

Punter, R. (2008). Androcles and the Lion. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

Jun 21, 2010


This morning, my mother told me that I talked in my sleep in English! I was surprised at it. I don't remember the content of my dream. When I heard that, I felt happy.

The rainy season has set in. Do you like the rainy weather? I like not only the sunny weather but also the rainy weather. On the rainy day, however, there are a lot of puddles at KGU and it is hard to walk along the road avoiding the puddles. I think seriously about buying a pair of boots. When I buy a pair of boots, I'll show you it.

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BR1-13: Hamlet

I read the book, "HAMLET". As you know, this story is so famous. It was written by Shakespeare. In the class of an introduction to English literature, we learned about him. We watched the movie of his work, "Romeo and Juliet" in the class. "Romeo and Juliet" is sweet love story, but "HAMLET" is the story about human vengeance. Please read it.

(62 words)

Shakespeare, W. (2009). HAMLET. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

Jun 20, 2010

BR1-12: Butterflies

I read a book, "Butterflies".
Of course, this book tells us about butterflies. It gives the details of the way butterflies grow. The pictures of imagoes are beautiful, but the pictures of caterpillars aren't. I don't like caterpillars!!! This book is so good for children from an educational standpoint. I would like to make my child read.

(57 words)

Davies, K. (2007). Butterflies. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

Jun 18, 2010

About my keitai

When I was 13 years old, I had my parents buy a cell phone for the first time. My present cell phone is the forth one. I have used it for about a year. It is DOCOMO's cell phone, N-04A. DOCOMO collaborated with amadana, the bland of design consumer electronics, and designed N-04A. Satoko's and Asaki's are also the same type of cell phone. Their cell phones are black and my cell phone is pink. I like the design, but it is sometimes wrong. I would like to change if I can.

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Jun 16, 2010


A few days ago, I recorded my voice. This is the first recording. I took mistakes so many times, so I challenged so many times. When I first listened to my voice, I felt strange:> I heard my voice as if it were not my voice. Please listen to it.

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Jun 14, 2010

BR1-11: Penguins

I read a book, "Penguins".
This book tells about penguins. I like penguins the best of all animals!!! There are about 20 different kinds of penguins. once a year, they travel across land to the place where they were born. They can't walk fast, so I think that it is so hard for them to travel. However, their way to walk is so cute. I would like to take a walk together.
Pictures of this book are cute. This book is easy to read and a good for children. Please read it.

(92 words)

Davidson, S. (2007). Penguins. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

Jun 12, 2010

Using the computer

I use the computer in some classes. I am bad at using the computer. Until I entered the university, I had seldom used the computer. At the university we use the computer so many times, so my typing speed is faster than ever before. Today, we can't work without computers at places of work. I would like to be a good user of the computer and get a certification if I can. There are a lot of tools I don't know. Please teach me a variety of tools of the computer.

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Jun 9, 2010

Essay 1-01c: Voice to my host family

This is a recording of my message. Please listen to it.

Jun 7, 2010

June 5th and 6th

On the last weekend, I had a part-time job. The shop I work at had a sale for customers on June 4th, 5th and 6th. A lot of customers came to the shop. The stuffs all were so busy!!! We have to say in a loud voice..."May I help you?", "We received a lot of new clothes." and so on...That is why something was wrong with my throat on Friday, but I raised my voice. At Saturday evening, I've lost my voice. OH, MY GOD!!! I waited on customers with a gesture. Ha ha ha... It was so difficult for me to communicate with only gesture, but it was fun. My voice doesn't recover:<>

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Last Friday...

On last Friday. I had dinner with Daisuke and Nami at YAYOIKEN. I had dinner at there for the first time. Nami and I ate a bowl of rice topped with slices of raw tuna. Daisuke ate a bowl of rice topped with chicken and eggs. It was so delicious. we talked a lot and we stayed thee for 2 hours. I had a good time with them. Next time, we would like to go to karaoke!

(77 words)

Jun 6, 2010

BR1-10: The Scaredy Cat

I read a book, "The SCAREDY Cat".

There was a cat whose name was Stanley. However everyone called him Scaredy Cat because he was scared of everything. He was scared of even frog. One night, Stanley went for a walk with his friends. They met with a mouse. His friends tried to chase and get the mouse, but Stanley was scared of the mouse. The mouse ran into a house. Stanley's friends also ran into the house. Stanley followed them. No one was in the house. Stanley was in a lounge, while his friends chased the mouse. Then, he saw something behind curtains. He thought that it was a monster and called his friends. The monster came closer and closer... Stanley tried to run, but he was frozen because of fear. The monster tripped over him and tangled in the curtains. Stanley was on it. His friends came and saw the scene. Just then, the lady who lived in the house came home. She saw Stanley and something in the curtains. Something in the curtains was not a monster but a burglar. She thought Stanley caught the burglar and stroked him. From then, he wasn't afraid of anything. No one called him a scaredy cat.

In fact, this cat was brave. It is important that we have confidence in our own ability.

(222 words)

Punter, R. (2008). The SCAREDY Cat. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

Jun 5, 2010

My favorite movie(s)

Do you have favorite movies? I have a favorite movie. As you know, it's "Enchanted". I introduced this movie on my blog before. This movie is a Disney movie and it's fantasy. It's a story like "Schneewittchen". I watched this movie at a movie theater with my friend. This movie is an animation as well as a film shot on the spot. I was surprised at! I think that it is a new idea. The story and the construction are so good and music of this movie is also good. It's like a musical. This movie is worth watching. Please watch this movie.

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