Jun 21, 2010


This morning, my mother told me that I talked in my sleep in English! I was surprised at it. I don't remember the content of my dream. When I heard that, I felt happy.

The rainy season has set in. Do you like the rainy weather? I like not only the sunny weather but also the rainy weather. On the rainy day, however, there are a lot of puddles at KGU and it is hard to walk along the road avoiding the puddles. I think seriously about buying a pair of boots. When I buy a pair of boots, I'll show you it.

(103 words)


  1. Hello.

    I like your fashion style, so I'm looking forward to showing your new pair of boots!

  2. Hi I'm harattyo!!!
    I'm a comentator for your blog!!!
    I don't like a rainy season...
    You also always think abnout English!!!
    You are great!!!

  3. I don't like rainy season.
    I hate humid.
