Jun 6, 2010

BR1-10: The Scaredy Cat

I read a book, "The SCAREDY Cat".

There was a cat whose name was Stanley. However everyone called him Scaredy Cat because he was scared of everything. He was scared of even frog. One night, Stanley went for a walk with his friends. They met with a mouse. His friends tried to chase and get the mouse, but Stanley was scared of the mouse. The mouse ran into a house. Stanley's friends also ran into the house. Stanley followed them. No one was in the house. Stanley was in a lounge, while his friends chased the mouse. Then, he saw something behind curtains. He thought that it was a monster and called his friends. The monster came closer and closer... Stanley tried to run, but he was frozen because of fear. The monster tripped over him and tangled in the curtains. Stanley was on it. His friends came and saw the scene. Just then, the lady who lived in the house came home. She saw Stanley and something in the curtains. Something in the curtains was not a monster but a burglar. She thought Stanley caught the burglar and stroked him. From then, he wasn't afraid of anything. No one called him a scaredy cat.

In fact, this cat was brave. It is important that we have confidence in our own ability.

(222 words)

Punter, R. (2008). The SCAREDY Cat. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

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