Jul 2, 2010

Vacation plans

My summer vacation starts from August 5th. I have no plan for going abroad, meeting my friends and so on. However, maybe, I will have part-time jobs many days. Recently I have a lot of things what I have to do, so I can't work much. A few days ago, with a smile, a manager told me that I have to work much in summer vacation because I don't work much. Oh no... I have to study English for TOEIC. In addition, I want to study Chinese and French. I have a lot of things else what I want to do. I'll so busy, but I can't wait for my great summer vacation.

(113 words)


  1. Hope your part-time job is not gonna be too busy.
    Please enjoy the summer vacation;)


  2. Hi i'M Harattyo!!!
    You have a lot of vacatyion plans!!
