May 9, 2010

BR1-06: The Fairground Ghost

I read a book, "The Fairground Ghost"

One day, Jake saw a poster which inform the fair on his way to school. He wanted to go to the fair, but he had to find someone who goes with him. First, he asked his father. Next, he asked his mother because of his father's rejection. However, she also rejected. Finally, he asked his sister. Jake, Marcia and Brad who was Marcia’s boyfriend went to the fairground. Marcia and Brad entered into the Tunnel of Love, Jake acted independently. Actually, he wanted something scary. He found The Ghost Train and climbed abroad it. When the train was in darkness, there were glowing ghouls and scary skeletons. People shrieked and the ghosts moaned back, but Jake was delighted. The train went around the final bend and a little ghost appeared. The little ghost was funny thing rather than scary one for Jake. When he left the train, he was still laughing. “What’s so funny?” he said. A Ghost Inspector heard it. He sounded cross, so Jake was worried. The Inspector asked the owner to find the funny ghost because he measured the ghost on his scare-o-meter. The ghost appeared. Jake was worried about its result. “What would happen to the ghost if it failed the test?” he thought. ...............
The little ghost failed the test and lost confidence. That was why the little ghost was dismissed by the owner. The little ghost started to glide away sadly. Jake ran after the ghost. He caught its hand and took it to a merry-go-round in order to cheered it up. The ghost, however, was afraid. Next, Jake tried the roller coaster. At first, the little ghost loved it, but it was afraid when the roller coaster started. After that, he took it to the Hall of Mirrors. They entered into the building. The little ghost closed its eyes.
“open your eyes.” Jake said. As he said, it opened its eyes…..
“AAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” it screamed because it was afraid of a big thing that was showed in the mirror and went out of there. The eerie howls of the ghost echoed around the fairground. Everyone was afraid. Jake ran after it and he explained that what it saw was the little ghost. Then it smiled and recovered confidence. It tried the test again. It had good result then. The owner said, “Welcome back!” Other ghosts and the owner all were delighted to the little ghost back. Thanks to the little ghost, the Ghost Train became popular among people and became the busiest ride in the fairground. Jake got ride free every time because the little ghost was thankful to Jake.
I think that a funny ghost is also good. If ghosts all are scary, it's so boring. I like the little ghost.

(468 words)


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Chi-chan,

    I'm wondering: Is the content of this book review entirely original? That is, is it all your own ideas, in your own words?

    Please let me know.

    Cheers, PB
