May 3, 2010

BR1-05: The Story of Castles

I read a book,"The Story of Castles".

You know that kings and queens of fairytale live in beautiful castles. In fact, about 1000 years ago, lords and ladies lived in castles. Raiders from the far north sailed down and attacked villages across Europe. One day, a wealthy lord had an idea. He tried to build a castle to protect the villagers and their land. His castle was finished. The castle was surrounded by a high fence and there was a hall which people could eat at, a chapel to pray for victory, and so a high fence. The castle became so popular and every lords wanted their own castles. The lords realized wooden castles were easily broken, so he rebuild with stone. Lords built a variety of castles. In one place, the fashion was round shape. Another lord built a tower with ten sides. To protect their castles from attackers, they made traps, for example, gatehouse, drawbridge, tunnels under the walls. When they won, they held huge feasts to celebrate. There were also jugglers, dancers and singers. They all had a great time.
However the fun couldn't last... The cannon was invented. It can blast holes in the biggest castle. Then lords stopped fighting each other and banded together to fight other countries.
At last, lords and ladies decided that they didn't want to live in castles which was cold, dark and noisy, so they stopped building castles.
Today, we handle these castles carefully as ruins.

This book teaches castle's history. I knew that castles were built to protect people who were in there. Ancient improved their castles, so they are so smart!!!

Please read this book.

(278 words)

Sims, L. (2004). The Story of Castles. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

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