May 4, 2010


Now, I tell you about yesterday.
I went to the aquarium, UMITAMAGO with my family and my mother's friend. It is in Oita. Have you been there? I went there for the first time. We left my home at 6 o'clock in the morning and drove there for 3 hours. My sister and I slept in my car. A parking lot was crowded. After parking a car, we bought tickets and entered into the aquarium. There were so cute animals. First of all, we looked at fishes in a water tank. There were a lot of kind of fishes. I felt as if I had been in the sea. Second, we watched the walrus show. One walrus can draw a picture, another one can sit-up. They were so cute. My sister looked pleased. Next, we watched the dolphin show. They jumped very high and dribbled a ball. They are so smart. I was impressed with them. Next, we looked seals and sea otters. Lastly, PENGUIN!!! I like penguins the best of all animals. I was looking forward seeing them but almost all penguins were in their house. There was only one penguin outside. Maybe, it was very hot. I was disappointed. Oh no... However, I looked at them hardly. They were so cute. There was a penguin whose birthday is same as my birthday. His name is Mitsukuni. I perfectly took a picture of a board his profile was written. After that, we entered a souvenir shop, but the shop was crowded with people. We went out of the shop at once.
After we left Oita, we had a dinner at the PIETRO which is Italian restaurant. I ate pasta and it tastes so good. We came home at 11 p.m. My mother drove for about 8 hours!!! She was so tired. Thank you, mom. I had a good day. I would like to go to UMI-NO-NAKAMICHI that is an aquarium in Fukuoka.

(323 words)

1 comment:

  1. WoW!! You went to Umitamago :)
    I've been there many years ago. I want to go again^^
    I hope you had a good time with your family (>u<)
