May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Today is the Mother's Day!!!
Did you do anything for your mother? I presented flowers in container with TOTORO. My sister gave a letter. My mother looked so happy, so I'm so happy!

Do you know the origin of Mother's Day? Mother's Day originated in U.S.A, VA. May 9th in 1905, an mother of someone whose name is Anna Jarvis died. One year later, she distributed white carnations at church in order to mourn for her mother.This is the first Mother's Day. In 1914, the President Wilson established the Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May. It started from 1915 in Japan. It was announced by Morinaga confectionery company and spread throughout people in 1937.

I looked over about Mother's Day in other countries. In Korea, there is not Mother's Day, but Parental Day is on May 8th. In Taiwan, Mother's Day is the great event through a year as an event that people give presents. Most of them give accessories for present. The way to express gratitude for mother and the date are different, but there are the day for mother in other countries. The gratitude for mother is important.

(192 words)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Chihiro.

    I'm Toshi, a commentator for your blog.
    Nice to see you!
    I'm looking forward to read your topic.

    I didn't know the history of Mother's day. I was so surprised that Mother's day has such a long history.

