Oct 18, 2010

My favorite place

I have some favorite places, for example, the STARBACKS COFFEE, the bathroom, the living room and so on...However, the place I like the best is "on my bed". There are three reasons, so I'll tell you the reasons. First, I like sleeping very much. When I was little, I have slept for many many times. I suckled mother's milk as I slept, so my mother had a hard time. Second, there are my favorite things on my bed. They are presents from my friends and families. They all are my treasures. Third, "on the bed" is so comfortable for me. There are a shelf, a table, a desk and window. I can read magazines, look out of the window, study on my bed. These are 3 reasons why I like "on my bed". Do you have favorite places? Please tell me your favorite place.

144 words

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