Jan 1, 2011

Marist family

A Happy New Year!!!

On 30th December, I met Marist friends, Eri, Yuko and Chika. Actually, I was going to meet Risako, but she couldn't come because of the weather. Risako goes to a university in Kyoto. Yuko goes to a university in Ehime and she wants to be a doctor. Chika goes to the Hitotsubashi University. Eri goes to the Sojyo University. At 6 p.m. we met in front of PARCO and had dinner. We can meet only three times a year. The weather was so bad, but I was so happy.

On 31st December, I met Yoko, Miyo and Ayaka. They are also Marist friends. Moreover, they all are not in Kumamoto. Ayaka goes to a university in Tokyo and Miyo and Yoko go to university in Fukuoka. I met them after a long time. We met at 11 a.m., but Yoko was late for the time to meet. Miyo, Ayaka and I went to Doutor Coffee shop talked a lot. About an hour later, Yoko appeared. After that, we went shopping!!! It was very fun. At 2 p.m. Ayaka had to go home. She gave me a birthday present. I was so happy:> At 4p.m. Yoko and Miyo had to go home, so we broke up. I had a good time today! I love them✿

I am going to meet them on Coming-of-Age Day. I can't wait that day!

233 words

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