Jan 28, 2011

My glasses...

Look at this!!!
This is my glasses. Maybe, I have used this glasses for about 5 years. A few days ago, I broke this glasses... Oh no... At home, I took out contact lenses and washed them. After that, I felt around for glasses. It is difficult for me to find glasses because of my bad sight. Then, I trampled something under the hips. I looked down with a sense of foreboding. My prediction proved right! It is my glasses. I was disappointed.

I have had bad sight and have worn a pair of glasses for 12 years. When I go to school and go out, I put in contact lenses. However, at home, I wear glasses. Glasses is so important for me. I have another glasses, but it is one that I used before. That is why it is with thin lenses. I want to buy new glasses immediately.

150 words

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