Dec 31, 2010

the last two Speaking classes

In last week, I had two speaking classes on Monday and Friday. On Monday, we had presentation. Our group's presentation was longer than other groups' presentations. We talked so fast.

On Friday, we watched a video which Mr. Bean appears. This video is about Mr. Bean's Christmas Day. It is very interesting! We laughed a lot. We were divided into some groups that have three persons. After that, only one person in groups had to watch the video and explain the story to two others. This activity was so hard for me, but it was interesting. Finally, we learned about Christmas. I knew what I didn't know. This class was so exciting.

112 words

Delicious Chocolate Cake

Look at this!!! On 29th December, I had a birthday party for my sister. She became 13 years old. Her name is Hiromi. My mother bought this cake at CHEZ. Tani, which is a cake shop. Cakes of this shop are delicious. I like cream puff in particular. Please try to eat! I gave her clothes as birthday present. She looks so happy, so my mother and I were so happy, too. We all had a good time!!!

78 words


I changed color of my nail. How about this color? I showed my nail to my mother, but she said that this color was vulgar. That is why I was shocked. I like to collect nail polish. I would like to collect a lot of kinds of color.

47 words

Dec 30, 2010

BR 2-18: Twelve Things to Do at Age 12

I read a book about the 13th birthday of a boy whose name is Diego. He has a 20-year-old brother, Paco. Diego makes a list to do in a year on his birthday. Things to do in a year and his age is same. Here is his 12th list.

1. Go biking two days a week. ✔
2. Go camping with Paco. ✔
3. Eat healthy snacks. ✔
4. Do extra science homework. ✔
5. Study with my friends every weekend. ✔
6. Read 10 books. ✔
7. Play tennis every Friday. ✔
8. Make a surprise breakfast for Mom and Dad. ✔
9. Learn to cook. ✔
10. Visit Grandma every week. ✔
11. Collect trash on the beach. ✔
12. Help someone not my family.

Look at this list. He has not done the last one yet. Paco asked Diego to eat ice cream. It was a day before Diego's 13th birthday. However he refused because he had to do the last mission. Finally, he helped two girls and the last mission was completed. He was so happy.

I will try to make a list.

180 words

Marcia, W(2009). Twelve Things to Do at Age 12. New York. Cambridge University Press

28th December

On 28th December, our circle had a volunteer activity. An orphanage had pounding steamed rice into the dough used for rice cakes, so we helped it. At 8:30, we were assembled in front of Kumamoto Shougyou high school. The orphanage is close to this high school. At 9:00, we began it. The weather was so bad, but we enjoyed!!! Children were powerful!!! We got a lot of power.

After that, I went to TSURUYA in order to buy a birthday present for my sister. My sister's birthday is 29th December. It is 13th birthday. I was irresolute. Her taste is different from mine. When we go to buy clothes, but we seldom agree with each other. That is why I had a lot of time to buy. Finally I bought clothes.

At 4 p.m. I went to a barbershop, courreges. Ms. Yamamoto is a hairdresser who takes charge of my hair cut. She is so cheerful person. I'm always looking forward to talking with her. We talk about love, clothes, hobby and so on... I had a great time!

179 words

Dec 27, 2010

BR 2-17: Night Animals

I read a book about nocturnal animals. I’ll tell you about nocturnal animals. First, about kangaroo rats. They live at hot dessert in Mexico and their tails are short. Their burrows are under the ground. They move with jumps, so their name is kangaroo rats. At night, they hold a lot of seeds in their mouth, return their burrows and eat them next day. They are so cute!!! Next, about bats. Some bats eat insects and others eat fish. I didn’t know that bats eat fish! There are a few bats in my high school. I hate them!!!

I am also a nocturnal animal :> At night, I am in high tension. My study makes rapid progress at night. I don’t know any reasons for this. I want to get over this habit. Please tell me good ways!

138 words

Susan, M(2003). Night Animals. London. Usborne Publishing Ltd..

Dec 26, 2010

BR 2-16: Trees

I read a book about tree. There are a lot of kinds of trees, tall trees, trees that grow at dry area, trees that don’t need water to grow and so on. Trunks are protected from cold by barks. There is a tree that has lived for about 10000 years in Sweden!!! Amazing!!! Trees are mainly divided into three groups, broadleaf trees, evergreen trees and palm trees. We have four seasons in Japan and can see trees change their looks. In spring, we can see trees with fresh leaves. In summer, we can see trees with a lot of green leaves. In fall, we can see trees with red and orange leaves. Moreover, in winter, we can see trees with no leaves. Many animals live with trees, for example, squirrels, birds and so on.

Recently, trees are decreasing because of fires and people. People destroy trees for building and new cities. Destroying trees causes weathers, animals, insects, of course, us. Trees are so important for world. We should think about it.

171 words

Lisa Jane, G(2009). Trees. London. Usborne Publishing Ltd..

Dec 20, 2010

BR 2-15: Mount Fuji

Have you ever climbed the Mt. Fuji? I read a book about Mt. Fuji. This mountain is very high and very famous in Japan. A lot of climbers come and climb up. When you climb Mt. Fuji, perseverance is more important than physical strength. At the top of this mountain, there are small shops and a vending machine, so you can get food and drink when you reach the top. From the top, you can get great pleasure and see beautiful view. According to this book, women couldn’t climb the mountain until 1930, so only men could climb it. I knew that for the first time. When climbing season is end, there are a lot of trashes. A certain group clean Mt. Fuji. However, climbers should clean it because Mt. Fuji is Japanese treasure! I would like to try to climb this mountain someday.

144 words
Waring, R(2009), Mount Fuji. Boston: Mapping specialists, Ltd..

BR 2-14: Saving the Pandas

I read the book, “Saving the Pandas”. In China, there are a lot of pandas and a team which help panda’s conservation. Chinese think the pandas are Chinese treasure. If pandas have twins, mothers take care of only one child. The team takes care of one and they return a child panda to mother when child panda grow up. This is not easy. Moreover, destruction of forests causes a crisis of panda’s life. the area which panda live and their food are decreasing because of destruction of forests. That is why there is an afforestation project. With this project, the area which forests cover land is spreading. I hope that projects for pandas’ conservation will be promoted.

This book contains some cute panda’s pictures. Please read this book.

128 words
waring, R(2009). Saving the Pandas. Boston: Mapping specialists, Ltd..

Essay 2-03a: My enjoyable school life

Now, I go to the Kumamoto Gakuen University. There are kind friends and teachers. Moreover, facilities are so good. I enjoy my university life. I'll tell you about my school life.

I'll tell you about classes. I mainly learn English and take about 17 classes a week in this semester. Compulsory subjects are 5, including 4 skills of English and international history. Elective subjects are 9, including Japanese history, Chinese, politics and so on. In the future, I want to be an English teacher, so I take a teacher-training course. I take 3 classes of this course, English teaching methods, the study of special activities and the principles of education. I like a class of English teaching methods the best. At this class, we learn how to teach English for junior high school students. We all had to do a micro-teaching. I gave a lesson of listening. I was nervous. Classes of teacher-training course are hard. However I’ll do my best for my dream. I want to develop my skills of English, so I’ll study hard!

Now, I'll tell you about favorite places. I have two favorite places at KGU. They are library and bakery. On Monday, I have only 2 classes, so I can talk with friends at the bakery or can do my home works a lot at the library. Recently, when I have time, I often study at library. There are a lot of books and facility of the library of KGU is substantial! My favorite space is on second floor. There, I can relax very much. However we can’t drink much water, I am always thirsty at the library. I hope that there are some spaces that we can drink. Every day, I like bread of KGU Bakery and I buy bread for lunch at bakery. I always buy a sweet roll containing cream and a bagel. I decide what I buy, so I can finish buying bread quickly. My friends laugh at this situation. I like the bakery that has cozy ambience.

At KGU, I belong to a volunteer circle, Aozora-katsudotai. Now, there are 81 members, freshmen and sophomores, in our circle. Until the Takuma Festival, there are over 100 people in our circle because there are juniors, too. We have a meeting every Wednesday. We have some volunteer activities in a month, for example, we help orphanages to hold festivals and we take care of children while their mothers are cooking, talking and so on. There is a volunteer activity in December. I can't wait it! We have other activities. On Wednesday, I often go to the park and play sports, eat out, drive and see beautiful view with members of my circle and so on. A group plan activities such as this. There are a few groups in our circle. As I said, there is a group that plan activities except volunteer activities. This group has 5 members. They think enjoyable activities for us. A group is one that is in charge of liaison with facilities we do volunteer activities. I'm a leader of this group, so I’m busy a little. The last one is a group that is in charge of accounts.

This is my university life. I like my university very much. Every day, I enjoy my school life with my friends and teachers. However, there is only a lack. It is…love! I want to be in love with someone at the university like dramas.

574 words

Outlines for Essay 2-03a


17 classes
compulsory subjects
elective subjects
classes of teacher-training course

・favorite places

do my assignments
read books, magazines and news paper

for lunch
cream bun

talk with my friends

volunteer circle
volunteer activities
other activities

eat out
play sports


53 words

Dec 19, 2010

BR 2-13: The Lost City of Machu Picchu

Have you ever been to Machu Picchu? I read a book about Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu has a long history. It shows history of Incas. A lot of tourists visit there. If the weather is bad, you can enjoy Machu Picchu. Tourists help people in poor area of Peru because tourism activates economy of this area. Some oppose tourist visiting there. They say that visitors are not good for Machu Picchu. This problem is so difficult.

My high school teacher went to Machu Picchu. I also want to go there. If you have been to Machu Picchu, please tell me about it.

102 words
WaringR(2008). The Lost City of Machu Picchu. Boston: Mapping Specialists, Ltd..

BR 2-12: Rainforsts

I read a book about rain forest. There are many kinds of creature. Moreover there are also tribes there. They made their house with woods of rain forest. They get along with nature. According to this book, there are a few plants under the tall tree because the place under the tall tree doesn't get much sunshine. In rain forest, there are also strange flowers. I want to see it.

70 words
Beckett-Bowman, L(2008). Rainforests. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

about restaurant presentation

On Friday, I had a listening test. I am confident of getting a high score a little, but I had many mistakes... Oh no... After school, I talked about restaurant presentation with my group members at the library. I've got a feeling that this presentation will be successful. We'll have this presentation on December 20th, so we'll do my best.

60 words

restaurant presentation

Hi everyone. I am ‘Mozzallera’ restaurant’s staff. Today, I’ll introduce my restaurant. My restaurant’s owner is Cheeza Macarroni and he is very fat. However, he is very kind and interesting man. He has unique idea and he can make very unique dishes. He is liked by every staffs, moreover town’s people too. And, there are 4 staffs in my restaurant. Daisuke Yamaguchi is second owner and he is very smart. He is always in this restaurant and he takes charge of restaurant’s accounting. We respect him very much. Kana Ooki is designer of my restaurant. She decorated the inside of the restaurant and she has very nice sense. Recently, she decided to change the inside od restaurant. She wants to design more beautiful and clean. Chihiro Yamashita can make delicious sweet. Her sweet is very famous and she win the contest of sweet. Aoi Nozoe is regular staff and she can carry dishes very quickly.
And, I’ll introduce my restaurant’s history. In 1960, Cheesa Macarroni opened this restaurant. He loved pizza and pasta so he ate these dishes almost everyday. Then, there were many mozzallera cheese in this restaurant dish’s menu. Gradually, he gained his weight and he had become fat. That’s why people said ‘he looks like mozzollera chese’. After that, he called ‘Mozzallera chef’ from towns people. He is very famous chef because his dishes were very delicious. Moreover, he was the fattest chef in the world. Then, this restaurant had no name so he decided to name this restaurant ‘Mozzallera’. Now, this restaurant is very famous restaurant and high class restaurant. Many people come to this restaurant from all over the world. Please enjoy our restaurant.
Next, I’ll introduce my restaurant’s menu.

Chicken salad
This salad is very healthy, chicken’s seasoning is basil. The flavor is so good. You can eat not to mind the calorie.

Seared born-less
This chicken is very tender. It was roasted, the surface is crisp and inside is juicy. The seasoning is lemon.

Tomato and cheese
Our shop’s special is cheese, so this menu is our recommendation. The tomato is so fresh. Please try this one.

Vongola is a bivalve’s pasta. We use this shellfish’s extract. This pasta’s seasoning is garlic.

We recommend this pasta. We cook this pasta with much cheese and bacon. The seasoning is strong, but you find the good taste.

Salmon and Cheese 1000
Mushroom and Teriyaki chicken 1500
Pizza has two kinds. One is Salmon and Cheese and the price is 1000. Owner, Cheeza Macaroni goes fishing every morning, so the salmon is fresh. Also, you can choose one cheese of the six. So you can enjoy many kinds of taste. The other is Mushroom and Teriyaki chicken and the price is 1500. The teriyaki chicken is so juicy. The teriyaki chicken matches mushroom, so it is delicious pizza.
・Pudding 600
・Chocolate cake 700
・Cassis mousse 500
Dessert has three kinds. Pudding is custard pudding and the price is 600. The owner, Cheeza Macaroni keeps chicken and the hen lays eggs every day. He uses the eggs, so it is so fresh. It is smooth and delicious. You can choose cool pudding or hot pudding. Chocolate cake is the most popular of the three. It is used expensive chocolate, so it is rich cake. The price is 700. Cassis mousse has a sweet and sour taste. Animals in the forest bring good cassis every day. The color of the mousse is pink and the shape is heart, so it is cute. The price is 500 and it is reasonable.
If you order Course Dish, you can enjoy anti pasta mist with 5 kinds of vegetable, pate de foie gras, couliflower potage, bream and scallop or beef and avocado and dessert buffet. We have a lot of kinds of dessert.
Our restaurant is particular about cheese. You can choose cheese. There are 7 kinds of cheese, red cheese, green cheese, blue cheese, black cheese, slim cheese, rose cheese and sunflower cheese. Of these cheese, we recommend rose cheese. This cheese is rare one, so you can't eat this cheese at other restaurant. Please try to order this cheese.
Third, I’ll introduce one how to cook for you.
A pizza’s dough
Boiled tomato: half of can
Salt: One teaspoon
Mozzarella: A block
Three of basils
Olive oil: Moderate amount

Strain boiled tomatoes, and remove seeds and the skin. Then Add salt the strained tomatoes. Spread the tomato sauce on the dough, put sliced mozzarella cheese, basil, and salmon. Next, bake the pizza with 250℃ for 10 minutes. Let out the pizza from oven when it is scorched.

This is our summary of restaurant presentation.

788 words

about Speaking class of this week

At Speaking class of this week, we talked about "favotites", for example, favorite movie, favorite actor/actress, favorite place and so on. This is second time to talk about "favorites". I gave Chikako a same question carelessly:> After that, we practices on a test. We watched a video that was made by Mr. Tomei and had a discussion. I did this activity with Ayaka.M and Takuya.N. I enjoyed that. After the class, I talked about restaurant presentation with my group members, Aoi, Kana and Daisuke. We decided that we make a summary of own part that assigned to each person and send it by g-mail to Aoi by Wednesday.

108 words

My favorite dessert

I like to eat sweet dessert! Of all desserts, I have two favorite desserts. One of them is ice cream. I like ice cream of Thirty-one in particular. Thirty-one is a shop of delicious ice cream. There are a lot of kinds of ice cream. I eat it on not only hot days but also cold days. Shall we go to the Thirty-one together? Let's go!!! Another one is pudding. Recently, almost every day, I eat one or two puddings par day. Whenever I have no time to have breakfast, I eat it. Yesterday, I ate two puddings. I like 'Puchin-purin' in particular. I am very happy when I eat these desserts. If you have information of delicious ice cream and pudding, please tell me.

125 words

My favorite motto

My motto is "Fortune comes in by a merry gate.", "笑う門には福来る" in Japanese. It means whenever we have a smile, we can get happiness. When I was little, I am a delicate child and I was hospitalized many time. So, I wanted go to a nursery school, but I couldn't. My mother said "Smile, smile. If you smile, you are happy." She gave me candy if I smiled. As she said, I was happy. This motto is what I learned from her. Moreover it is said that smile is so good for our health. It maybe be difficult for you to smile when you have a hard time, but please try to smile. You must be happy. What is your motto? Please tell me.

126 words

Dec 15, 2010

Mind Map for Essay 2-03a

This is my university life.

5 words

BR 2-11: Under the sea

I read a book, "Under the sea". I like creatures under the sea, so I read this book. This book introduces creatures under the sea, dolphin, turtle, penguin and so on.

According to this book, baby turtles go to the sea without their parents. I am surprised at that. When a dolphin is sick, other dolphins take care of him. Dolphins are so kind! Penguin is my favorite animal!!! They are not birds but fish. However, they can’t fly, but they can swim very fast. They are so cute!!!

This book contains cute animal’s pictures. Please try to read it.

99 words
Patchett, F(2008). Under the sea. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

university life 25 years from now

In about 2 years, I’ll graduate from KGU and 25 years later, I am 45 years old. In the future, maybe, I’ll be an English teacher, so I’ll use English that I learn at KGU for my job.

38 words

university life now

Now, I go to the Kumamoto Gakuen University. I enjoy my university life. I mainly learn English and take about 15 classes a week. In the future, I want to be an English teacher, so I want to develop my skills of English. On Monday, I have only 2 classes, so I can talk with friends or can do my home works a lot. I belong to a volunteer circle, Aozora-katsudotai. We have a meeting every Wednesday. I often go to the park and play sports with members of my circle. Every day, I buy bread for lunch at bakery. I like bread of KGU Bakery. When I have time, I often study at library. My favorite space is on second floor. There, I can relax.

126 words

Dec 13, 2010

BR 2-10: The Last of the CHEJU DIVERS

I read the book, “The Last of the CHEJU DRIVERS”. The Cheju Island is famous for beautiful nature. Something else is also famous. Have you ever heard “haenyos”? It is a group of female divers. They dive in the sea in order to take seafood. To my surprise, they dive with nothing and stay in the sea over 5 minutes. Diving is their work. They can sell the seafood they caught at a high price, so they dive. However this work is so dangerous! That is why haenyos is decreasing. The youngest one is 45 years old and the oldest one is 75 years old. This tradition of Cheju is being extinct.

I’m sorry that this tradition is being extinct… I hope that the new tradition will come into existence.

130 words


Waring , R. (2008). The Last of the CHEJU DIVERS. Boston: Mapping Specialists, Ltd..

BR 2-09: Alaskan ICE CLIMBING

I read the book, "Alaskan ICE CLIMBING". The weather of Alaska is so easy to change. According to this book, if we want to climb the mountain, ski down glacier and so on, we think it is not sure to be able to do that because the weather. Do you know Matanuska glacier? It is very big and shaped 2000 years ago. To my surprise, it always moves and changes the shape! It is very difficult for us to climb. Moreover climbing this glacier is so dangerous! Some climbers fell down and died. However, if you can climb to the top of glacier, you can see beautiful view.

I also want to look at the beautiful view, but I'm afraid of climbing... The beautiful view is a present for climbers.

130 words

Waring , R. (2008). Alaskan ICE CLIMBING. Boston: Mapping Specialists, Ltd..

BR 2-08: Farley the Red Panda

I read a book about a red panda that has no parents. His name is Farley. He was born at a zoo in San Diego. His mother couldn't take care of him when he was born, so he was alone. One day, he was found by workers at zoo. He was raised at the nursery of the zoo. Workers of the nursery took care of red panda for the first time. Farley got healthy thanks to them. He could get a friend, Banshee. He is also a red panda and is younger than Farley by 3 months. They got along very well and play together a lot.

Farley is a lucky panda!!! This story is very good. Please read it.

120 words

Waring , R. (2008). Farley the Red Panda. Boston: Mapping Specialists, Ltd..

Dec 12, 2010

My favorte junior high memory

My favorite junior high memory is an English speech contest. At my junior high school, an English speech contest was held once a year. For this speech contest, one student was chosen as a representative of a class. When I was in the third year of junior high school, I was chosen as a representative. Every day, I practiced hard with my English teacher after school. I had to recite sentences of my textbook. The speech contest had come!!! On that day, I was very nervous. I began my speech, however, I forgot sentences when I met my boyfriend's gaze. I was confused, but then he taught me the nest word with a lip-sync. Thanks to his help, I can finished my speech. I'm grateful to him.

127 words

My favorite club/ circle

At KGU, I join a volunteer circle, Aozora-katudoutai. Now, there are 81 members, freshmen and sophomores, in our circle. Until the Takuma Festival, there are over 100 people in our circle because there are juniors, too. We have some volunteer activities in a month, for example, we help orphanages to hold festivals, we take care of children while their mothers are cooking, talking and so on. We have activities else. On Wednesday, we play sports, drive, eat out etc. There are a few groups in our circle. A group is one that is in charge of liaison with facilities we do volunteer activities. I'm a leader of this group. There are 2 volunteer activities in this month. I can't wait it!

121 words

My favrite vacation memory

This summer vacation, I was busy with my part-time jobs, as a tutor and a seller of clothes shop at Clair. At days I have no part-time jobs, I met Marist friends. I have a travel to Osaka with members of my circle. This travel is my best vacation memory. On the night of September 14th, we left Kumamoto for Osaka by ferry. We spent the night on the ferry and I couldn't sleep well. On the morning of 15th, we arrived in Osaka and went to the USJ. I went there for the first time. I like roller coaster, so I had fun!!! We were back to Kumamoto on 17th. I would like to go there again by plane.

120 words

My favorite elementary school memory

What is your favorite elementary school memory? I have a lot of elementary school memories. Of all them, my favorite memory is a graduation ceremony. My all friends went to the same local junior high school, but I took an entrance examination for a private school and went to the Marist junior high school. That is why my friends are not so sad, but I was so sad. Maybe, I was only a person who cried. Before the ceremony, I decided not to cry. After the ceremony, we all made a short speech, but I couldn't talk what I wanted to tell to my classmates bcause I cried again. I cried a lot, but this is my favorite memory of elementary school.

122 words

My favorite shoes

How many do you have shoes? I have about 20 shoes. Of all those shoes, there are 2 favorite shoes. One of them is a black pumps that I bought about 2 years ago. Another one is a red pumps that I bought about 6 months ago. My left size is bigger than right one. Moreover, the width of my foot is marrow, so if the shoes is my size, it is big for my foot. That is why most of shoes is not my size, so I can't buy all shoes I like their color and shape. However, these two shoes fit my foot. When I found them at a shop, I was very happy! I'll wear them a lot from now on.

124 words

Dec 10, 2010

BR 2-07: Monkey Party

Do you know “Monkey Party”?
I read a book about monkeys in Lopburi, Thailand. There are a lot of monkeys on the streets, cars, buildings in Lopburi. The monkeys do mischief, but people in Lopburi allow them. Most of people are Buddhists. Monkeys are so precious for Buddhists, because there are many traditions that monkey is a hero. Once a year, people give monkeys a lot of food. It’s the Monkey Party!!! In a certain year, organizers of this festival gave a big whole cake that a lot of people made. It seems that monkeys like cakes. Many people come and give foods. I would like to take part in this festival!!!

112 words

Waring , R. (2008). Monkey PARTY. Boston: Mapping Specialists, Ltd..

Dec 6, 2010

BR 2-06: Puffin Rescue

I read the book about a very important tradition in Heimaey. It's to rescue puffins that have no mother or father. Puffins are eaten by dogs and cats, so puffins in the town are so dangerous. When they look at the lights of the streets, they appear in the town by mistake. The children in Heimaey have saved them for a long time. At night of every summer, they go on patrol and help puffins. When they find puffins, they release to the sea. This tradition is so important for not only puffins but also children, I think. I also do this work!!!

103 words

Waring , R. (2008). Puffin Rescue. Boston: Mapping Specialists, Ltd..

BR 2-05: The Young Riders of Mongolia

Mongolian people are good at riding horses. I read the book, "The Young Riders of Mongolia. This book is about a Mongolian traditional event, the Naadam race. This race is to ride a horse and run toward the finish line. All participants are children who are less than 12 years old. It takes a long time to prepare for this race. The first 5 riders can get a blue sashes, medals and horse's milk. This is so important tradition for Mongolian people.

82 words

Waring, R. (2008). The Young Riders of Mongolia. Boston: Mapping Specialists, Ltd..

BR 2-04: Dreamtime PAINTERS

I read the book "Dreamtime PAINTERS". This book shows Aboriginal art. The ancient Aborigine drew pictures on rocks. Now, Aborigine draw on paper and wood. Aboriginal arts have a problem. It is that the color of arts faded with weather, time, insects and reptiles. From this book, I know that Aboriginal paints are expensive. I wish these arts will be left for a long time.

65 words

Waring, R. (2008). Dreamtime PAINTERS. Boston: Mapping Specialists, Ltd..

BR 2-03: The Three Rivers of Zambia

I read a book about three rivers of a country, Zambia. Zambia is located in Southern America. There are three rivers in Zambia. They are the Luangwa River, the Kafue River and the Zambezi River. In the Luangwa River, there are some kinds of animals, for example, hippopotamuses, groups of gazelles, crocodiles and so on... Zambia's government protects animals of this river. Next, the Kafue river produces hydroelectricity. Zambia adopted irrigation system to the river. Third, the Zambezi River is the forth largest river in Africa. People cross this river when they want to bring from a village to a village. There are waterfalls called "smoke that thunders". When you travel to this area, you should see this. I want to go there someday.

124 words

Waring, R. (2008). The Three Rivers of Zambia. Boston: Mapping Specialists, Ltd..

BR 2-02: Cheese-Rolling RACES

Have you ever heard "Cheese-rolling race"? I read a book about cheese-rolling race. It is held in a town of Brockworth. Here is this rule. At first, a large cheese is rolled from the top of a hill which is steep and participants run after it. The person who reaches at the foot of the hill the fastest is a winner. At this race, speed and balance are so important. This race is so dangerous, so some get injured. A few years ago, 30 participants got injured. Why do they take part in it? I don't know that and I am sure that I can't take part in this race!

110 words

Waring, R. (2008). Cheese-Rolling RACES. Boston: Mapping Specialists, Ltd..

Place to recommend

On Monday of this week, I took the Speaking class. Then, we told place we want to recommend to peers. I recommended a household goods store, Baker's Street. there are cute goods which are related to rose. I like rose very much, so I like this shop. There, a lap robe is 1500 yen, a pajama is 1500 yen and a glass is 840 yen. This shop is on the second floor in Clair that is a shopping mall.
After my recommendation, Daisuke told his place to recommend and Ayaka told Taku's recommendation. Daisuke recommended Kurodahan, a food shop near school. To go to this store, you have to go to Hakuzan Street. There, noodles in hot broth and buckwheat noodles are 250 yen. Rice ball is 160 yen. It's very cheap!!! Next, Taku's recommendation is a coffeehouse, SMILY. There, cream sauce pasta is 950 yen, omelet containing fried rice is 850 yen and lemon tea is 300 yen. Stuffs are so wonderful.
I would like to go these shop!

170 words

Dec 1, 2010

My favorite class

In this semester, I take 17 classes a week. I take a teacher-training course, so I learn how to teach English to students at junior high school or high school. My favorite classes are classes of a teacher-training course. I take 3 classes of this course, English teaching methods, the study of special activities and the principles of education. Of these classes, I like a class of English teaching methods the best. In this class, I learn how to teach English. I have this class on Thursday and the teacher of this class is Mr. Kamimoto. In the class of this week, I'll give practice teaching for my peers. I'm very nervous. These classes are hard for me, but I'll do my best for my dream.

126 words

BR 2-01: Christmas around the world

I read the book, "Christmas around the world". This book tells us about Christmas around the world. Do you know when people began Christmas? I didn't know that. People began Christmas over 2000 years ago. Christmas is to celebrate birth of a boy, Jesus Christ. Surprisingly, he was born in a stable. Formerly, Christians celebrated the Christmas Day, but now people who celebrate the Christmas Day are not only Christians. On Christmas Day, we decorate our houses, shops and streets. In Germany, there are shops for Christmas goods. There are some persons who gives children presents like Santa Claus around the world. The Christmas Day is a holiday and children in the world have some kinds of play. I knew how to spend Christmas Day in the world by this book. I'm sure that this book is so interesting for you. Please read this book.

145 words

Sims , L. (2005). Christmas around the world. London: Usborne Publication Ltd..