Dec 20, 2010

BR 2-14: Saving the Pandas

I read the book, “Saving the Pandas”. In China, there are a lot of pandas and a team which help panda’s conservation. Chinese think the pandas are Chinese treasure. If pandas have twins, mothers take care of only one child. The team takes care of one and they return a child panda to mother when child panda grow up. This is not easy. Moreover, destruction of forests causes a crisis of panda’s life. the area which panda live and their food are decreasing because of destruction of forests. That is why there is an afforestation project. With this project, the area which forests cover land is spreading. I hope that projects for pandas’ conservation will be promoted.

This book contains some cute panda’s pictures. Please read this book.

128 words
waring, R(2009). Saving the Pandas. Boston: Mapping specialists, Ltd..

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