Dec 20, 2010

Essay 2-03a: My enjoyable school life

Now, I go to the Kumamoto Gakuen University. There are kind friends and teachers. Moreover, facilities are so good. I enjoy my university life. I'll tell you about my school life.

I'll tell you about classes. I mainly learn English and take about 17 classes a week in this semester. Compulsory subjects are 5, including 4 skills of English and international history. Elective subjects are 9, including Japanese history, Chinese, politics and so on. In the future, I want to be an English teacher, so I take a teacher-training course. I take 3 classes of this course, English teaching methods, the study of special activities and the principles of education. I like a class of English teaching methods the best. At this class, we learn how to teach English for junior high school students. We all had to do a micro-teaching. I gave a lesson of listening. I was nervous. Classes of teacher-training course are hard. However I’ll do my best for my dream. I want to develop my skills of English, so I’ll study hard!

Now, I'll tell you about favorite places. I have two favorite places at KGU. They are library and bakery. On Monday, I have only 2 classes, so I can talk with friends at the bakery or can do my home works a lot at the library. Recently, when I have time, I often study at library. There are a lot of books and facility of the library of KGU is substantial! My favorite space is on second floor. There, I can relax very much. However we can’t drink much water, I am always thirsty at the library. I hope that there are some spaces that we can drink. Every day, I like bread of KGU Bakery and I buy bread for lunch at bakery. I always buy a sweet roll containing cream and a bagel. I decide what I buy, so I can finish buying bread quickly. My friends laugh at this situation. I like the bakery that has cozy ambience.

At KGU, I belong to a volunteer circle, Aozora-katsudotai. Now, there are 81 members, freshmen and sophomores, in our circle. Until the Takuma Festival, there are over 100 people in our circle because there are juniors, too. We have a meeting every Wednesday. We have some volunteer activities in a month, for example, we help orphanages to hold festivals and we take care of children while their mothers are cooking, talking and so on. There is a volunteer activity in December. I can't wait it! We have other activities. On Wednesday, I often go to the park and play sports, eat out, drive and see beautiful view with members of my circle and so on. A group plan activities such as this. There are a few groups in our circle. As I said, there is a group that plan activities except volunteer activities. This group has 5 members. They think enjoyable activities for us. A group is one that is in charge of liaison with facilities we do volunteer activities. I'm a leader of this group, so I’m busy a little. The last one is a group that is in charge of accounts.

This is my university life. I like my university very much. Every day, I enjoy my school life with my friends and teachers. However, there is only a lack. It is…love! I want to be in love with someone at the university like dramas.

574 words


  1. Your university life is very good!
    I want to develop my skills of English!
    Do you enjoying university life?

  2. Your circle is very big. I want to join your circle.hahaha
    And please get very cool prince! hahaha

    What's your favorite class?

  3. Your university life is busy.
    I also think love is important!!
    Do you have someone who you like? lol

  4. Hi, Chihiro :)
    I like Englih teaching classes too!
    I also do my best for my dream.
    And you will meet good man soon!
    Why can you relax on second floor in the library?
