Dec 6, 2010

BR 2-03: The Three Rivers of Zambia

I read a book about three rivers of a country, Zambia. Zambia is located in Southern America. There are three rivers in Zambia. They are the Luangwa River, the Kafue River and the Zambezi River. In the Luangwa River, there are some kinds of animals, for example, hippopotamuses, groups of gazelles, crocodiles and so on... Zambia's government protects animals of this river. Next, the Kafue river produces hydroelectricity. Zambia adopted irrigation system to the river. Third, the Zambezi River is the forth largest river in Africa. People cross this river when they want to bring from a village to a village. There are waterfalls called "smoke that thunders". When you travel to this area, you should see this. I want to go there someday.

124 words

Waring, R. (2008). The Three Rivers of Zambia. Boston: Mapping Specialists, Ltd..

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