Apr 30, 2010


Yesterday, I watched “Romeo and Juliet” in the third class. The class was an introduction to English literature and it is Mr. Yoshida’s class. Have you ever watched this movie? I watched all this story for the first time. This story is sad love story. However, I would like to experience such passionate love as this story. We have to write reports about this story by May 12th. It must be hard for me, but I’ll do my best.
After the third class, I was free by 6 p.m. I had a meeting of a wheelchair executive committee from 6 p.m. I belong to a volunteer group. There are three volunteer group at KGU. These group hold "the wheelchair course" every year. We learn about wheelchair with invited high school students. Last year, I ran for an executive committee. I also ran for this year. We were divided into 7 groups. I am in a public relations group and am a group leader. Our main assignment is visiting some high schools to invite high school students. Last year, I also belong to this group, so I understand almost what our group have to do. That is why I'll accomplish our assignments at ease. I'll stick it out!!!

(209 words)

Golden Week plans

The Golden Week is coming soon. I have a special plan for GW. I will have a part-time job on 3 days of GW, Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday. May 2nd, I am going to go to Minamata with my family. The Rose Festival will be held there. There are about 600 species of roses. I love roses very much, so I am looking forward to going there. May 3rd, I don't decide what I will do. Maybe, however, I will go to Fukuoka. I expect a good GW.
(90 words)

Apr 28, 2010

Your family

I am going to introduce Aoi's younger sister. She is taller than Aoi and fat a little. Her eyes are small. According to Aoi, she is not cute... but I am not sure of it. She is at a rebellious age. This is why she is egotistic and selfish.

(49 words)

essay1-01b : Who am I

Dear host family,
Hello. My name is Chihiro. I am going to stay with you for 6 weeks this summer. My birthday is May 14th and I am 19 years old. I like hamburger steaks and hash and rice. Now, I go to university and study English in order to be an English teacher, so I would like to develop my skills in English and know foreign culture, life style and other things. That is why I decided to stay with you.

First of all, I tell you about my family. There are 4 members in my family, my mother, my father, my little sister and me. My father is so busy man, so he doesn't live with us. He runs restaurants in Japan and China. He goes to China every months, so he know about China well. I would like to go to China with him. My mother is a homemaker, but about 12 years ago, she was a nurse. Then she was so busy, so I felt lonely. However I respected her who was a nurse. When I was a child, I wanted to be a nurse like her. Now, she isn't a nurse, but I respect her as a woman, as a person. I want to be a person like her. My little sister is 7 years younger than I, she is 12 years old now. Our personalities are exactly the opposite, but we have no quarrel.

Second, I introduce my hobbies. My hobbies are playing the guitar, listening to music and singing songs. Shall we sing songs together? Then, I'll play the guitar. I can play the guitar, however, I don't have my guitar. I played the guitar for the first time when I was a high school student. My boyfriend taught me playing the guitar. Then I practiced with his guitar. That is why I don't have mine. I haven't played guitar since I graduated from. Now, I think about buying my guitar. I listen to music in my spare time. My favorite singers are Beyonce, Taylor Twift and BUMP OF CHICKEN and so on. Do you know BUMP OF CHICKEN? They are Japanese singers. I want you to listen to their songs.

Next, I have three part-time jobs. I work at the shop of ladies' wear, so I'm so interested in fashion. In my room, there are fashion magazines a lot. Other jobs are a private teacher and a model. I teach mathematics to a girl in high school which I graduated from. It is hard for me to teach mathematics. Moreover I belong to a model agency and take lessons twice a month. The lessons are so exciting! I belong to a model agency, but I would like to be an English teacher!

Finally, there are a few questions. I made a list of what I will bring to your home. Are there any other things that I have to bring? I worry about number of clothes. How many clothes should I bring to your home? I heard that the temperature in your country is very low in Summer. How much does the temperature go down? Next, do you have any pets? I am allergic to animals, so I am anxious about that. When I touch animals, a rash break out over my whole body and I sneeze a lot. Finally, may I ask a favor of you? I want to know information of all the members in your family before I meet you, for example, "How many members are there in your family?" "What does your family look like?"etc...Could you introduce yourselves in a reply to my letter? To be frank with you, I am so nervous because I haven't ever been to a foreign country. Please teach me a lot of things and help me when I am in trouble. I am looking forward to meeting you. See you.


(650 words)

Apr 25, 2010

BR1-04:The Bookstore Valentine

This is the story of a book store whose name is the Black Cat Bookstore. Its owner is Mr. Brown. There are only ghost books. Mr. Brown had a Valentine’s Day sale there for several days. A lot of people came. The store grew more and more crowded. He was so busy, so he put a sign in the window. It said “HELP WANTED!”. The next morning a woman was waiting outside. Her name is Miss Button and she wanted to work there as his assistant. They found a kindred spirit in each other. On Valentine’s Day morning, Mr. Brown wrote on a paper heart to ask Miss Button to dinner. He, however, threw away into the trash can because he thought she doesn't accept his proposal. On the other hand, Miss Button also wrote on a paper heart to ask Mr.Brown to dinner, but she left it on a shelf because he doesn't accept her proposal. Mr.Brown's cat named Cobweb and mice saw the scene. They tried to help Miss Button and Mr. Brown. Cobweb dropped a note in front of Mr. Brown. The mice dropped the other note in front of Miss Button. Mr. Brown and Miss Button picked up the notes and read them.
"Please have dinner with me tonight!!!"
Finally, they had dinner together. They were so happy!!!

This is a heart-warming story. I wonder if their relation changed...Please read it.

(246 words)

Maitland, B. (2002). THE BOOKSTORE VALENTINE. New York: the Penguin Group.

Apr 24, 2010

TODAY is...

Today, it was so cold------(′‸‵)
There were three happenings today. One is that Asaki's bicycle went somewhere!!! When I walked near the area for parking bicycle, Asaki stood there. "What are you doing?" I asked her. She said that her bicycle disappeared. I was surprised at what she said. Her bicycle was stolen at university two weeks ago, so she bought a new one. We looked for her bicycle around the area that Asaki parked her bicycle. We couldn't find it and were going to issue a robbery report. Then, she said "ah? Is that one my bicycle?!" She inserted the key in the keyhole and could unlock. It is her bicycle!!! She misunderstood the area she parked her bicycle. She is scatterbrain. Ha ha ha...
Another one is that I got the first job as a model. I had a phone call from the model agency I have belonged to from November in 2009. My manager said "Are you free all day on Monday? You get a job." I am happy that it is the first job as a model. However, I can't accept it because I have classes and a part-time job as a private teacher on Monday. I am disappointed. I hope that I can get a job as a model again some other time.
The last one is that Manami gave me a wonderful present! It is a towel. She went to live concert of TOKYO INCIDENTS! She loves Ringo Shiina very much, so do I. As you know, Ringo Shiina belongs to TOKYO INCIDENTS. I was filled with envy at her. She bought a original towel of TOKYO INCIDENTS there for me and gave me it today. I am so happy✽ Thank you, Manami...
Today, there were some happenings. What will happen tomorrow?.....

(298 words)

Apr 22, 2010

BR1-03:Amanda Pig, Schoolgirl

I read a book, “AMANDA PIG, SCHOOL GIRL”.
This is a story that a little pig goes to school for the first time. Her name is Amanda. In the morning of the first school day, she got up early and put on her new purple dress and new pink hair ribbons. She went to find her mother and asked “Is it time to go to school?” “No, the sun is not up yet.” Mother said. Amanda was looking forward to going to school. It is the time to go to school!!! She went to the bus stop and took a bus with Oliver, maybe her brother. She met a shy pig girl who was sucking a lollipop and she was scared because of the first school day. Whatever Amanda talked her, she didn't answer. When She were at the school, she said nothing. Students all make her smile. At last, she smiled. Amanda and she got along well.

This story reminds me of my first school day. I looked forward to go to school! I would like to return to that time. Do you remember your first school day? Please read this book and remember your memory.

(204 words)
Leeuwen, J. (1997). AMANDA PIG, SCHOOLGIRL. America: the Penguin Group.

Apr 21, 2010

My Hobbies

I have some hobbies. One is listening to music. I have a lot of CDs and MDs. Every day, I listen to music. The others are taking a walk, playing the piano and taking pictures. The last one is appreciation of works of art, for example, photos, pictures and performances. When I have a free time, I do these hobbies. Thanks to a lot of hobbies, I am very fun. I think that we had better have a lot of hobbies.

(81 words)


Hi! Every one!
I’ll tell you about my favorite fruit and vegetable. Please make a guess!!!

First of all, I introduce my favorite fruit. It is very shy, so its face is red with a lot of freckles. It wears a green hat and it is so cute. It can transform itself into sweets, juice or jam. It tastes good, so sweet! It has a lot of brothers and sisters. They get along well. They all like to bask in the sun. Spring is their favorite season. Maybe, almost all the people will have eaten throughout their life. I love it!!!

Next, I introduce my favorite vegetable. It is also red face and wears a green hat, but it is not shy. It is short-tempered, so its face bulges out. It is also good at performance. When it was young, it was green. On the other hand, when it grows up, it is red. Moreover, it can transform itself into juice, ketchup or sauce. I eat it almost every day. I love it!!! Tomei also likes it.

Can you imagine it?
Answers are at the bottom of this contribution.

Answers…….strawberry and tomato!
These quizzes are very easy, aren’t they?
See you(*⁀–⁀*)

(201 words)


books, brainstorms, drafts, essay prep., essays, free-writing, graphics, links, media, movies, outlines, quickposts, reviews, typing, websites

Apr 19, 2010

girls' talk

Hi. It look so delicious, isn't it? Satoko, Asaki and I don't have the fourth period. After the third period, Mizuho and Chikako invited us to tea. We went to a coffee shop near the university. Its name is OUCHI CAFE. I went there for the first time. It is with a cozy ambiance. I would like to live there. We all ordered French toasts with ice cream. It was so delicious!!! We ate it and talked, of course, about LOVE(*^_^*) I really laughed! I would like to have lunch there next time.

Today, I had a part-time job tutoring a high school student in mathematics. I taught a progression, especially arithmetical progression. I like a progression, so I'm very fun. I'll work at the shop of ladies' wear as a part-time job tomorrow. I have a class of French on Wednesday, so I have to do preparation for French lesson. It'll take a lot of time to do it. I'm busy...

(161 words)

Apr 17, 2010


My cell phone came back!!The screen of my cell phone have freezed many times, so I went to the DOCOMO shop about 2 weeks ago. I had my cell phone repaired. For about 2 weeks, I have used the cell phone which DOCOMO shop gave as substitution. It was hard for me to use it because its type is different from my cell phone. Today, I got a phone call by DOCOMO shop. I want to the DOCOMO shop at 4 o'clock and received my cell phone. I'm happy!!!

With my mom and my little sister, I went shopping at the shopping mall;"youme town". I often go there. I bought a hair accessory and some cushions. They are so cute. SATISFACTION!!!

Thank you for giving me a comment. I'll study Chinese hard!!! If you have advices, I'd appreciate your advices.

(141 words)

BR1-02:The Magical Book

I read a book, ”The Magical Book”.

The hero is a man whose name is Leo. He lived with his grandmother in a tall house. One day, the Chancellor and the Prime minister came to see him. They said that he was a king. Leo was surprised, but they led him outside and whisked him away. People welcomed him. He went into the palace. In the library of the palace, he found a book which was set with jewels. Its title was “The book of beast”. Leo opened it and a beautiful butterfly on the first page flew out of the book. He turned to the next page and blue bird on that page flew from the page. He took it into the garden, and to his surprised, the book opened all by itself!!! Suddenly, Dragon stepped from the book and flew away. The Dragon rampaged around the street. The country was in uproar. He opened the book once more. Then, Hippogriff stepped out of the book. He cooperated with Hippogriff to return Dragon to the book. They could return it to the book and made people so happy.

I would like to see a magical book. If there were a magical book, I would enjoy the book. Only there are fearful creatures like Dragon…This book will take you to a wonderland. Please read it!!!

(233 words)

Nesbit, E. (2007). The Magical Book. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd.


I really like music and listen to music every morning. There are a lot of favorite singers, for example, Beyonce, Ringo Shiina and BUMP OF CHICKEN. I bought CDs of Talor Swift and Janet Jackson the other day.Recently, I listen to them every morning. I also like techno pop.My favorite artist is Free TEMPO. I was recommended their CDs by my friend when I was a high school student. Please listen.

(73 words)

Apr 15, 2010

Speaking 3 Classmates

I talked to Kana O. Her birthday is August and blood type is A. There are 4 members in her family. Her hobby is ballet. She graduated from GakuenDaigakuHuzoku high school. When she was high school student, she belonged to the calligraphy club. She like pink and hamburger steak in food. In her holiday, she works or goes out with her family.  

I talked to Noriko Y. She was born in May and her blood type is A. There are 5 people in her family. She likes to play badminton and soft tennis. Her hobbies are watching movies and listening to music. She has a pet, it is called "Minnie". She would like to be a cabin crew in the future. Finally, she has a part-time job and works at a hotel.
(132 words)


你好!!! (Hello)
Yesterday, I attended the first classes, ChineseⅠA and ChineseⅡA.I haven't ever studied Chinese, so I was looking forward to attend the Chinese class. Teachers' name are Mrs.Horie and Mrs.Irei. They are kind and their smiles are charming. I like them(*^_^*) In the first class, we practiced pronunciation. It is hard for me to pronounce. However, I'LL DO MY BEST!!!

Today, I attended the class:FrenchⅢA. My teacher is Mr.Sato. He taught me French last year. I like him. French is difficult, but I like French. I am looking forward to attend the next class.

Oh.....I'm sleepy.....
Bonne nuit!!! (Good night)
(101 words)

Apr 13, 2010

rainy day

Today, it rained heavily!!!
I like between rain and clear skies, so I don't feel gloomy. However, after a long time, I want to see a rainbow...

I spent a lunch break with Satoko, Asaki, Mizuho and Chikako. After the second period, we went to LAWSON and bought something to eat. After that, we had a lunch at 14 building. We arrived the room of next class...Satoko said "Oh...I don't have my bag!". We thought where it was. She noticed that her bag was at LAWSON! After the third period, we went LAWSON and fortunately she can get her bag. I was relieved and she looked so happy.

I had a part-time job from 8 p.m. I have two part-time jobs. One is private teacher and another is a seller of a tailor's shop. I work as a private teacher every Monday, so today's job a private teacher. I teach mathematics to a girl. She goes to Marist high school I graduated from. This job is fun, but it is hard for me to teach mathematics. By the way, I work at a tailor's shop three-times a week. Although I have pain in the small of my back, I like this job because I love clothes.
I'll show you a photo of my favorite clothes next time.
(218 words)

Apr 12, 2010

BR 1-01: A Christmas Carol

I read a book, "A Christmas Carol". This story is about man whose name is Scrooge. He was a grasping, greedy, gruesome old man. He cared for no one and no one cared for him. Although people in his city enjoyed Christmas, he didn't. On Christmas he wasn't kind to anyone that were in trouble in his city. One day, he met three ghosts. They showed him conditions of people that were in trouble and let know how people think about Scrooge. Third ghost showed a scene that Scrooge die. He saw he is alone when he die. He thought that he would like to change his fate. From next day Scrooge changed. He was kind to everyone in his city and celebrated Christmas with everyone. Everyone like him. Finally, he spent happy life.

I'm sorry that my review is hard to understand. Anyway, this story is interesting and will make impression on you. please read it!!!

(158 words)

Dickens, C. (2007). A Christmas Carol. London: Usborne Publishing Ltd..

Apr 9, 2010

First classes

First classes started from April 7th. I attended 8 classes and I feel sad because I have a lot of assignments.That is why I will be busier than last year.However I take Chinese class and French class in this year. I am looking forward to study them. I'll do my best! (53 words)

Apr 8, 2010

Essay 1-01a

Dear host family,

Hello. My name is Chihiro. I am going to stay with you for 6 weeks this summer. I am 19 years old. Now, I go to university and study English in order to be a English teacher, so I would like to develop my skills in English and know foreign culture, life style and other things. That is why I decided to stay with you. First of all, I introduce myself. My hobby is playing the guitar, listening to music and singing songs. Shall we sing songs together? Then, I'll play the guitar. I have three part-time jobs. I work at the shop of ladies' wear, so I'm so interested in fashion. Other jobs are a private teacher and a model. I teach mathematics to a girl in high school which I graduated from. It is hard for me to teach mathematics. Moreover I belong to a model agency and take lessons twice a month. The lessons are so exciting! I have no likes and dislikes in food. I like hamburger steaks the best. I'm looking forward to having dinner with you. There are a few questions. I made a list of what I will bring to your home. Are there any other things that I have to bring? I worry about number of clothes. How many clothes should i bring to your home? I heard that the temperature in your country is very low in Summer. How much does the temperature go down? Next, do you have any pets? I am allergic to animals, so I am anxious about that. When I touch animals, a rash break out over my whole body and I sneeze a lot. Finally, may I ask a favor of you? I want to know information of all the members in your family before I meet you, for example, “How many members are there in your family?” “What does your family look like?” etc... Could you introduce yourselves in a reply to my letter? Next, I want you to eat Japanese food, so please give me a chance to cook Japanese food for you if I can. To be frank with you, I am so nervous because I haven't ever been to a foreign country. Please teach me a lot of things and help me when I am in trouble. I am looking forward to meeting you. See you.

(399 words)