Apr 25, 2010

BR1-04:The Bookstore Valentine

This is the story of a book store whose name is the Black Cat Bookstore. Its owner is Mr. Brown. There are only ghost books. Mr. Brown had a Valentine’s Day sale there for several days. A lot of people came. The store grew more and more crowded. He was so busy, so he put a sign in the window. It said “HELP WANTED!”. The next morning a woman was waiting outside. Her name is Miss Button and she wanted to work there as his assistant. They found a kindred spirit in each other. On Valentine’s Day morning, Mr. Brown wrote on a paper heart to ask Miss Button to dinner. He, however, threw away into the trash can because he thought she doesn't accept his proposal. On the other hand, Miss Button also wrote on a paper heart to ask Mr.Brown to dinner, but she left it on a shelf because he doesn't accept her proposal. Mr.Brown's cat named Cobweb and mice saw the scene. They tried to help Miss Button and Mr. Brown. Cobweb dropped a note in front of Mr. Brown. The mice dropped the other note in front of Miss Button. Mr. Brown and Miss Button picked up the notes and read them.
"Please have dinner with me tonight!!!"
Finally, they had dinner together. They were so happy!!!

This is a heart-warming story. I wonder if their relation changed...Please read it.

(246 words)

Maitland, B. (2002). THE BOOKSTORE VALENTINE. New York: the Penguin Group.

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