Apr 30, 2010


Yesterday, I watched “Romeo and Juliet” in the third class. The class was an introduction to English literature and it is Mr. Yoshida’s class. Have you ever watched this movie? I watched all this story for the first time. This story is sad love story. However, I would like to experience such passionate love as this story. We have to write reports about this story by May 12th. It must be hard for me, but I’ll do my best.
After the third class, I was free by 6 p.m. I had a meeting of a wheelchair executive committee from 6 p.m. I belong to a volunteer group. There are three volunteer group at KGU. These group hold "the wheelchair course" every year. We learn about wheelchair with invited high school students. Last year, I ran for an executive committee. I also ran for this year. We were divided into 7 groups. I am in a public relations group and am a group leader. Our main assignment is visiting some high schools to invite high school students. Last year, I also belong to this group, so I understand almost what our group have to do. That is why I'll accomplish our assignments at ease. I'll stick it out!!!

(209 words)

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