Apr 15, 2010


你好!!! (Hello)
Yesterday, I attended the first classes, ChineseⅠA and ChineseⅡA.I haven't ever studied Chinese, so I was looking forward to attend the Chinese class. Teachers' name are Mrs.Horie and Mrs.Irei. They are kind and their smiles are charming. I like them(*^_^*) In the first class, we practiced pronunciation. It is hard for me to pronounce. However, I'LL DO MY BEST!!!

Today, I attended the class:FrenchⅢA. My teacher is Mr.Sato. He taught me French last year. I like him. French is difficult, but I like French. I am looking forward to attend the next class.

Oh.....I'm sleepy.....
Bonne nuit!!! (Good night)
(101 words)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm yohei and one of the TAs.
    Learning foreign laguage is really interesting!
    I had studied Chinese before, the pronunciations were too difficult...Good luck!
